Why Is Chinese New Year Important?

Why is Chinese New Year important to the Chinese people? This is a question I have asked myself many times. My belief is that, it is important for the Chinese people to understand and appreciate the cultural meaning of their year. They are celebrating a transition into something much more open, modern and global than they might imagine.

why is chinese new year important


The Chinese New Year is really a transition year. It is also a test to see whether or not people have kept on with the Revolution, which occurred so long ago. People were very suspicious of each other then, and many lives were lost in the process of the revolution. Today, people are more trusting and open. That is why the Chinese New Year is such an important one.


For the Chinese, New Year's resolutions are made. They look forward to the welcoming of the new year under a more relaxed system. Some people welcome New Year with great excitement and expectation, while others choose to look at it with caution and foreboding. This is normal and shouldn't be judged negatively.

Why is Chinese New Year Important?


Throughout the Chinese calendar, there are five Chinese New Year's. It all depends on where you live. Usually, it's split up into two groups: the Spring Festival, from mid January to mid February; the Autumn Festival, from mid-February to mid-March; the Winter Festival, from mid-March to early April; and the Spring Festival, from early April to mid-May.

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On every day of the Chinese New Year, the first thing that happens is that all the household utensils are cleansed. The symbol that is used is the Red Envelope. You put a red envelope around your door, lock it up and carry it on the same day you receive your salary. Red envelopes are also sent out to all friends and family telling them to celebrate the New Year by cooking and eating foods in the color of red.


The other Chinese tradition is the Spring Festival, which lasts from mid February to mid March. In spring, all the grains and seeds are plucked out and ate to provide nourishment to the people. They call this period the "grain harvest". The most important food is the corn which is roasted and served as a soup. Other foods include wheat and barley, which are also used in soups.


Eating in the Chinese way means that you should never eat an empty stomach. Food should be chewed slowly to savor the flavor. Food is said to enter the stomach three times before it's absorbed. Therefore, it's important to chew your food thoroughly to help absorption. If you don't like chew toys, then you can use paper clips or chopsticks instead.


On the last day of the Chinese New Year, the family and relatives declared their good wishes and good fortune to the new Chinese year. Chinese people believe in fortune-telling and if they have a bad year, then they say bad things for the coming year. At this point in time, they say happy New Year greetings to each other and wish each other a happy Chinese new year. This ritual is very similar to the traditional Chinese New Year celebrated in the traditional calendar. On this day, they again sing songs and tell stories to wish others and Chinese people generally pay a visit to the friends and relatives they have made contact with during the course of the year.


The Chinese character tattoos that are worn by most Chinese people represent their belief system and also the characteristics that they wish for the coming new year. Chinese characters have meanings that can vary from one individual to another depending on the word they have been assigned. For example, the character for water is called dragon. If you look at this character inside the traditional calendar, you'll see that it is an abbreviation for the number six. Six has many different meanings in Chinese culture and to some extent, the meaning of the dragon to some people may be different to the rest of us.


why is chinese new year important to the Chinese people? Well, the New Year is when they renew their faith in the government and declare their family's official support for the current government. Also, this period is when they buy presents for their relatives and friends and get ready to send them gifts and other items that they need for the coming year. Finally, the New Year is the start of the farming season and they make plans to plant and grow various plants for food and survival.


According to the Chinese calendar, the New Year begins at the beginning of summer and last for nine days. However, some Chinese people believe that the new year will never start unless the moon is full. So, what does the traditional calendar have to do with the new year? Well, the New Year is really a new way of life for people in China, so its significance is certainly bigger than just one day.

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